Pen of the Day: Pelikan M600 Ruby Red with Graf von Faber-Castell Garnet Red

Pelikan M600 Ruby Red fountain pen and Graf von Faber-Castell Garnet Red ink

Pelikan M600 Ruby Red with fine nib. Winter weather’s here, with days dark and drear. Perhaps a new ink might bring some good cheer.

Outside Fountain Pen Follies world headquarters, cold and snow have arrived. Which of course means it’s time for the long-awaited limerick contest winter ink colors. Time for the jewel tones, the dark and rich hues, the seasonal shades.

My first choice this year is Graf von Faber-Castell Garnet Red. I originally tried Garnet Red, and wrote a brief review, last winter. Garnet Red on white paper makes me think of red berries silhouetted against snowy ground.

Graf von Faber-Castell Garnet Red writing sample

Garnet Red is an attractive, business-appropriate maroon or cranberry.  I always love an ink that shades. And Graf von Faber-Castell has a great ink bottle. As a fellow blogger recently pointed out, a bottle of premium ink would make a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift. Start hinting.

I do like my Pelikan M600 Ruby Red with maroon inks. The pen’s acrylic is a mix of the right kind of dark reds.

Pelikan M600 Ruby Red fountain pen closeup

The Twelfth Day of Holiday Ink: Diamine Night Sky and Diamine Sparkling Shadows


On this twelfth and last day of Holiday Ink, it’s time for silver and gold together, and a little grown-up shimmer


Diamine Shimmertastic Night Sky is a black with silver particles that looks sleek and sophisticated.


Sparkling Shadows is softer and warmer, a gray with gold particles.

Together, they’ll round out the holiday season and bring us into what I hope is a sparkling New Year for everyone.

The Sixth Day of Holiday Ink: Aurora Blue


On the sixth day of Holiday ink, I’m going back to blue.

You know how most of us have holiday traditions?  Our Christmas Eve features a traditional Swedish dinner.  That’s how it was growing up, so that’s how it remains.

And in that same spirit, I am pulling out a longtime favorite blue ink, Aurora Blue.  Happy holidays, to one and all.  Bring out something that makes you feel connected to your family and your youth, and share it with friends and the next generation.