Happy Galentine’s Day, Fountain Pen Friends

Today is devoted to two celebrations: a belated Galentine’s Day, plus Valentine’s Day.

And all involving pen stuff. Not because I’m a total loser. Not just because I’m a total loser. But also because it’s a blog about pen things.

What is Galentine’s Day? Only the most awesome holiday ever. Galentine’s Day started on a television show, Parks and Recreation, when Amy Poehler’s character decided the day before Valentine’s Day should be a day to celebrate female friendship, over brunch. Thus Galentine’s Day.

This should totally be a thing. So I’m going to be the change I want to see in the world: Happy Galentine’s Day.

Except, we need to add a few wrinkles. First, we’re a day late, because it’s me. Second, we’re on the internet, and I’m not a morning person, so that brunch thing isn’t happening. Just pour yourself a cup of coffee, or open a package of cookies or a bottle of wine. I toast you, virtually.

The biggest change is that our Galentine’s Day is open to all, whether a real gal or an honorary gal. If you’re a guy — and you are still reading — then hopefully you’re happy to be one of the gals. Make yourself at home. It’s my internet-only, fake-brunch, day-late, Galentine’s Day, and all are welcome.

I’m not going to shy away from gal-palling here. But I’m also going to assume that honorary gals will be interested, too, if only to see the other side.

Here are some pretty pens that seem fitting for this Galentine’s Day.

Pelikan M600 Pink and Pelikan M605 White Transparent

These are the Pelikan M600 Pink and the Pelikan M605 White Transparent, and they are the nicest Galentine’s pens ever.

But you know, gals do not just like pink things. In fact, some gals don’t like pink at all. And that is okay. Galentine’s Day is for all. Here’s a green pen I like.

Sheaffer PFM I green

And here are some pens that aren’t very colorful.

assorted fountain pens

Those pens are sober enough even for those guys who don’t qualify as honorary gals.

But you know what? I hate to say it, but, they aren’t really fun enough for our celebration. For today, let’s forget those. They can come back on, say, tax day. A guy day if ever there was one.

Instead, I will grab some fountain pens that are more fun and Galentine’s-appropriate.

assorted fountain pens

One of those is even black, and that one is also owned by a guy I know.

See! Galentine’s Day is all about celebrating your friends, and mine are pretty great.

Now, some might say that my friends have great taste. But that’s not for me to say. Because if I say that, it would be sort of complimenting myself, because of the implication that they also have great taste in friends (me). So I can’t really say that, and still be modest. Apparently. So I’ll just leave it to you gals and guys to say that. Right there, in the comments. Below. At the bottom there.

Okay, have we all left fawning compliments? Good work. So here are some other writing instruments that would work for this special day.

Lamy Safari pencil and ballpoint pen

These are the Lamy Safari Pink ballpoint and mechanical pencil. These live on the top of my desk, where my husband can use them. Because they are pink, if he walks away with them, I will track them down, and he’ll have to sheepishly return them to my desk.

This makes a happy contrast with, say, my phone charger.

And speaking of people who are your family but use that to walk off with your things, here’s a small sample of things found today in my daughters’ rooms.

Field Notes

Those are Galentine’s Day-appropriate Field Notes. You’ve been reading me long enough to know that they once were mine. No more. I now buy at least two packs of anything gal-like, for this reason.

I guess that makes every day a Galentine’s Day, and that’s a nice thing. But looking at that photo, I want to suggest, bitterly, that Jailentine’s Day might be more appropriate. That one on the right is fly.

Ah well. I will console myself.

Lamy Safaris

Those are some Safaris I have. I am pretty sure that Fred Astaire was thinking of these in Swing Time when he sang, “Some day, when I’m awfully low / When the world is cold / I will feel a glow just thinking of you / And the way you look tonight.”

And there’s a second verse. So here is a drawer of Al-Stars, too.

Lamy Al-Stars

This year’s Vibrant Pink will slot in there, too. Some day, when my pen arrives ….

Ah what a pretty picture. I am so glad we could share this Galentine’s Day in pens together.



19 thoughts on “Happy Galentine’s Day, Fountain Pen Friends

  1. OMG! I almost blew iced tea through my nose when I saw your Pink and White M600s! I have those very same two pens, and they sleep next to each other in a special two-pen box. Now I’ll have to get a nice three-pen box, because I’ve already ordered the Turquoise M600, to be customized with a stub nib (the sistahs gotta sleep together!). I HAD to order it; turquoise is my favorite color! So when I first saw an ad for that pen, there was no question that I would buy it. It was just a matter of who I wanted to grind the stub for me (I’m having it done at Classic Fountain Pens (nibs.com). Pricey, but I love John Mottishaw’s stubs. My White M600 was also done by him, so I’m going back for more.

    OK; I’ve gone a little off topic. I like your idea of Galentine’s Day. I think I’ll start that tradition locally with my friends. I’ll be sure to give you credit, though! It’s a fantastic idea. And in your honor, we’ll make it brunch at 2:00 p.m., the day AFTER Valentine’s Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that’s lovely! I wish I could come!

      John Mottishaw stubs are wonderful. As are those by Mike Masuyama and Richard Binder, which I have and love, too. Someone once told me that everyone’s is slightly different, but I’ve had good luck with all three.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Just when I feared an estrogen overdose, you get us back to reality (at least as seen through male eyes). Then another hormone treatment, then some more reality.

    Isn’t it time for you to post a picture of the new Pelikan 600 Turquoise White, that seems to go with the pair in your first picture? Having a great pair is one thing, but three of a kind? Now THAT’S something to be seen!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. 🙂 You lived! But thank you for reading! 🙂

      I don’t know about the M600 in turquoise. I’m on the fence. I don’t find I can rely on Pelikan product photos: the photos always look wonderful, but I don’t think they always convey what the pen looks like in real life. I gambled on the Pink, and on the White Transparent, but I’m not going to gamble on this one. Blue-green is a hit or miss, for me.

      And frankly, I was hoping for something different for the next M600. I’m a little disappointed they keep churning out so many M800-line pens in amazing materials, while doing so little for users of the M600 or M400 lines. I understand the business reasons: it’s very clear that the M800 line is their bell cow. And I want Pelikan to survive and thrive. But how about some love for people who don’t have huge hands. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what I’ve heard (and seen online): the ink in the cartridges is not sparkly, but the ink in bottles seems to have some sparkles. I give up. It’s the second head-scratching decision by a pen company I’ve heard about in the last week, and I am just giving up any attempt to understand.


  3. Thank you! I was so confused about this Galentine’s Day stuff. I had absolutely no idea what it was all about until now.

    Next: Nobody ever has enough friends, and by this time of my life, I figure I’m secure enough in my own identity to be an honorary whatever anybody wants me to be. Especially if it means having food and drink with like-minded individuals–who are absolutely not losers!

    Next: Sober pens–yayyy! Classy.

    Next: Red/burgundy pens–yayyy! Stunning and classy.

    Next: Safaris and Al-Stars–bless their hearts, what cute, er… paperclips, I mean, er, colors. Yes, nice colors. I like the petrol, er, which isn’t on there. Sorry. The dark blue is nice.

    I should shut up now.

    Great post, as always; and always fun.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I can’t be too fawning because, well, it’s early and I’m only a half cup of coffee into the day. But that being said your post made me laugh. In a perfect world brunch would at 2:00. Till then coffee and cookies it is.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Perhaps it could be amended to Palentine’s day, for all your pals.
    Also Spouse bought his sister bright pink phone charging cords so his brother-in-law and nephews wouldn’t nab his sister’s phone charger. I’m generally against gender stereotypes, but if you can make them work for you…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I was going to give you the same advice about the phone charger. I buy color coded ones for my family. If I catch someone with the wrong cord, I threaten to make the kids buy a replacement out of their own funds.

      My pocket knife is pink for the same reason. I’m more of a purple person, but I will use the most garish, “girlish” color possible for stuff I think my house full of men might purloin.

      And I got a rose gold and cream colored pen from my husband for Valentine’s Day. It is very pretty. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

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