Fountain Pens Defend Themselves

Yes, there are things we all hate about fountain pens. But those pesky problems from yesterday aren’t the whole story. There is an answer to every objection.

1. Cleaning them out. Well, there are some people who love cleaning. I suggest finding one. If they can also cook, never let them go.

2. Ink stains. After a while, you stop caring so much about inky fingers. They don’t last long. And if someone notices, chances are they will ask, “Oh, are you an artist?!” Then you can modestly suggest, without saying so, that yes just a little. This is a great ice-breaker if you actually sketch. And, if you don’t, even better. A half-nod, a slight lift of the eyebrow and a mysterious smile, followed by a “Do you?” question, will lead your interlocutor away from the topic of your messy hands, while simultaneously giving rise to the flattering suggestion that you just might be Banksy.

3. Not the best carry-around option. People deal with this in different ways. The super-committed buy a swanky Franklin-Christoph pen case (or two) and carry all their inked fountain pens every day, pretending, “Problem, what problem?” The more practical carry one or two fountain pens, selecting models known for durability and not too pricey. The final group just keeps their fountain pens at home or in the office, which also helps mitigate the final issue (appearing uncool).

4. There’s always another one to buy. Now, see, it’s always how you look at things. This is not a problem.

5. Not the coolest hobby. Unless … we look at it as “going analog,” and then, we are ahead of the curve. Plus, we basically are carrying concealed weapons with sharp points that, oops, accidentally might squirt ink at those who cross us. Pretty formidable, actually.

4 thoughts on “Fountain Pens Defend Themselves

  1. Not the coolest hobby maybe, but it beats collecting venomous spiders by at least two bites a year and increased probability of painful death. At least we don’t have to check that the nearest hospital holds anti-venom for Kyo No Oto Adzukiiro..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There’s not much that’s more satisfying than inking up a fountain pen that you’ve just cleaned with a new, pretty ink. It’s kind of like bathing; you don’t question it, you just do it, and you feel better afterward.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. To me all the care you dedicate to a fountain pen is a sort of Zen exercise. You do it as that’s the way it’s supposed to be, like shaving with a straight razor instead of more quick or easy-to-use ones.
    You fall in love with the process.

    Liked by 3 people

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